"Deep Dance Take 19" from the Deep Dance series is an electrifying megamix released in late 1993, featuring a masterful blend of Eurodance, techno, and house hits that defined the dancefloors of the era. This high-energy compilation captures the vibrant spirit of the early '90s club scene, showcasing iconic artists and unforgettable anthems.
The mix kicks off with Dr. Alban’s infectious "Sing Hallelujah" and seamlessly transitions into dynamic tracks like The Good Men’s "Give It Up" and Alex Party’s "Sunday Night Party." Chart-toppers like MC Sar & The Real McCoy’s "Another Night," Haddaway’s "Life," and Culture Beat’s "Got 2 Get It" keep the energy soaring, while 2 Unlimited’s "Tribal Dance" and Cappella’s "You Got To Know" add pulsating Eurodance rhythms.
The selection also delves into techno and trance with tracks like U96’s "Night In Motion," Ramirez’s "Terapia," and Space Corp. 1’s "Deep In Your Soul." Experimental cuts such as Headbanger’s "Was Is Techno" and Dirty Mind’s "Back To Future" highlight the creative evolution of electronic music during this period. Masterboy’s "Everybody Needs Somebody" and Tatjana Gold’s "Feel Good" bring a melodic touch, while Mark 'Oh’s "Never Stop That Feeling" closes the mix with an euphoric crescendo.
"Deep Dance Take 19" is a seamless journey through the cutting-edge sounds of 1993, blending hits with underground gems to create an unforgettable dance experience. Whether you're a fan of Eurodance, techno, or house, this megamix is a nostalgic ride through one of the most vibrant periods in electronic music history.